Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Putting Yourself "Out There."

Back in the day, people were always entertaining. My parents were the hosts of numerous bunco parties, dinners, parties, and the like. We'd also go numerous places. When I was little, we had two Munchkins living across the street. I don't mean they were short, I mean they both had played Munchkins in the actual Wizard of Oz.

Today's events reminded me that we don't do that nearly enough anymore, and has caused me to wonder why.

I think people don't want to miss their TV shows.

Yes, it's simplistic, I know. But it seems to me that the more TV people got, the less they hung out at other people's houses. Now, even if you DO visit, the damned TV drones in the background the whole time!

One of my favorite movies is Avalon. If you haven't seen it, do. It's pretty old now, but a beautiful film, and it chronicles the influence television and the suburbanization of American affected one immigrant family.

I saw this a lot in my own family. Unless the get-together was specifically to watch the Big Game, the damned TV was off.

Today, the kids wanted to show their friends that came over the Eye Toy, where they can watch themselves dance on TV with glittery effects and that was almost too much for me. Mostly it stayed closed and dark.

What this world needs are a few more good, old fashioned card parties. Nobody knows how to play bridge or canasta anymore. Let the kids go off and play while the adults sit around the table, talking and snacking.

Today, we had some friends over. I wasn't feeling like running around, so Hubby got a huge spread together: Pot roast, salad, melon, biscuits, pasta with sun-dried tomato, green beans, rice and gravy. I was pretty impressed, actually. Because I like to have adult conversation every once in a great while, and some laughs. The kids played and all went well. It reminded me that I need to do that more. Now that the house is more manageable, I plan to.

Once, I was doing the floor in my bedroom and saw that the neighbor next door was home. It flashed through my mind that I had a full pot of sauce on the stove, and that I should invite her over. But I got onto something else. Well, she happened to knock on the door a few minutes later, I invited her and she stayed, and it was great. Since then, we've been passing this plate back and forth. I've had it for over a week, but I can't return it yet unless I bake something to put on it. Last time, I got back a cake from the Blue Scorcher. I had sent it over with more pasta.

Our parents didn't have the answers on everything. I mean, I personally think it's better that my kids aren't in a cloud of cigarette smoke everywhere they go. When I grew up, man, we were suckin' that stuff down all the time. but perhaps they had some good ideas when it came to connecting with other people. Sure, we all want our space at times, our privacy, and some people are simply not social at all. But most of us could be doing better, I think.

The payoffs are worth it.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Don't Forget Maddie's Site!


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Ups and Downs

Somehow, life is never what you expect, but that is now always a bad thing. In fact, in this case, it was downright wonderful.

As reported last week, poor Lucy was destined for her Last Vet Visit. After two months of very lackluster behavior, I was convinced that my time with my Best Dog was over. This resulted in a week in a fog, where press releases were forgotten and too much food was eaten.

Then, two things happened before Monday's appointment. First, I changed her to wet food. Immediately, she began eating with new vigor.

Then, the sun came out, and while I was out dragging berry brambles to the brush pile, who should decide to join me but Lucy.

Clearly, this dog understood the words "I think it's time to put her down," and began a campaign to change my mind.

The upshot was, after a "quality of life evaluation" at the vet, at which she was found to have no cavities, but some arthritis in her spine and rear legs, Lucy and I emerged out the door to the family, waiting in the van. The weather was great again, so we took the old girl to the beach, where she had the time of her life.

How fast one can go from expecting one of the worst days of one's life to having one of the best ever. I'll never forget how wonderful it was with her on the beach.

Then, of course, as soon as you get up there on that summit, something happens to bring you back to earth. In this case, poor Eldest, while playing with the cat, got swiped in the eye. Turns out, it was an actual laceration, as the dye test proved. We left, with a prescription for antibiotic drops, but while ordering dinner, her pain became horrible. Back to the ER; this time we left with codeine, which did the trick. A follow up appointment today proved the eye is healing well, but we're still not going to make her do any reading tomorrow--an unexpected side effect for a kid who has never missed a day of school. She hardly knows what to make of it.

Which just goes to show, when you wake up in the morning, you can only guess how your day is going to go. Statistically, you'll be right most times, but sometimes, you'll be completely wrong.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Disney Princesses.

I Need a Professional...

Since it has rained or snowed for 26 straight days, you could have knocked me over with a sunshade when I found out that today Eldest and I could actually take to the streets and attempt to deliver the rest of the Infernal Girl Scout cookies, only to find over half the people still not home! After three hours, we did manage to deliver about 20 boxes, enough to get the wagon out of my minivan. Only three cases left...
But it was beautiful today! It was like a late spring day, and so Eldest and I really enjoyed the walk. I couldn't wait to get home so I could actually work in my yard! With about an hour left of daylight, the kids were able to play out front for the first time in months (minus snow days) and I raced out back to gleefully clean up after the dogs, hack away berry bushes, remove the brush pile and rake--all without a jacket! The yard looks tons better and I got a taste of something I never thought I'd love as a child, but do--yardwork. Whoulda thunk it? I didn't lift a finger to plant anything as a kid. My parents always had the most magnificent yard in the neighborhood, still do, but I used to look at them like they were nuts. Now, I can't wait to get out there and start sprucing up my shaggy winter landscaping.

And who should be out there, cavorting beside me?

That's right. The dog who was supposed to be put to sleep tomorrow.

If you want to have your world turned upside down, have a kid or a pet. You can't plan anything. For the last two months, this dog has been moping around pitifully. But as soon as she heard me make the call to the vet, she perked right up.

So are we going to the vet tomorrow? Oh yes. But for a checkup, because I no longer know what to think. Do I dare to hope? Maybe. At 16, she's not going to be around a lot longer regardless, and I still want what's best for her, but if she's not ready to go...

Now see why I need the advice of a professional?

Thursday, March 1, 2007

More Scrapbookin'

New Scrapbook Pages

Don't feel like writing anything too heavy today, so here's the latest scrapbook pages.